Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
Prepare - Getting Ready for Inclusive & Multicultural Teaching
Approaches to Inclusive & Multicultural Teaching
- Checklist for Inclusive Teaching, Plymouth University
- Culturally Inclusive Practice, Teaching Gateway, University of New South Wales Sydney
- Diversity and Complexity in the Classroom: Considerations of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender, Barbara Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching
- How Can I Be More Inclusive? Plymouth University
- 5 Principles as Pathways to Inclusive Teaching, Inside Higher Ed
Challenging Assumptions about Students and Self
Power Dynamics
- Classroom Dynamics, Harvard University
- Understanding & Navigating Power Dynamics in Learning Environments, Martínez et al., University of New Mexico
- Calling All Authoritarians: How to Shift the Power Dynamic in Your Classes, Catherine Whaley and Jon McNaughtan, Times Higher Education
Self Examination
- Creating Inclusive College Classrooms, (Increasing Awareness of Problematic Assumptions), University of Michigan
- Faculty self-assessment on Awareness of Identities and Comfort Levels, University of Wisconsin Whitewater
- Step One: Self-Assessment, Teaching Tolerance
- My Multicultural Self, Teaching Tolerance
- Culture in the Classroom, Teaching Tolerance
- Reducing Stereotype Threat in the Classroom, Todd K. Platts and Kim Hoosier, Inquiry: The Journal of Virginia Community Colleges
- Study on Language and Stereotypes Suggests Ways to Reduce Prejudice, New York University
Cultural Awareness
- Multiculturalism’s Five Dimensions, Dr. James A. Banks
- Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching, Geneva Gay, University of Washington
- Teaching a Diverse Student Body, University of Virginia
- Teaching in Racially Diverse College Classrooms, Harvard University
- Diversity Essay Series, University of Colorado Boulder
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusive Excellence, Campus Models & Case Studies, AAC&U
Social Justice Focus
- Collection of Resources for Teaching Social Justice, Cult of Pedagogy
- Creating Classrooms for Social Justice, Edutopia
Understand - Getting to Know Your Students
Connecting with Students
- Connecting with Your Students, Cornell University
- Heuristic for Inclusive Instructional Design, Teaching and Learning Co-op
Welcoming Differences
Age & Returning/Adult Students
- Adult Learners Series, Cengage Learning
- Teaching Adult Students, Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development
- Assisting Students with Disabilities, Indiana University
- Teaching Students with Disabilities, Vanderbilt University
- What is Inclusive Higher Education?, The Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education at Syracuse University
- Working With Students with Disabilities, Disabled Travelers
Ethnicity (see Race & Ethnicity below)
First-Year Students
- First-Year Students, WWU
- Best Practices for Teaching First Year Undergraduates, Carnegie Mellon University
- Teaching First Year Students, Vanderbilt University
Gender and Sexuality
- A Gender Identity Glossary for Schools, by USC Rossier Online, 2019.
- Actions to Foster Inclusive Learning Environments for LGBTQ+ Students, L.K. Langley, Western Washington University
- Gender-Inclusive Guidelines, University of Pittsburgh
- LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum, Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educators Network (GLSEN)
- Gender Issues in the College Classroom, Colombia University
- Black Women in Higher Education: A Reflection on Inequity and Injustice, Leah Woldai, The Emory Wheel
- Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University
- Utilizing Gender Inclusive Language, Human Resources, Princeton
International Students (also see Non-Native Speakers)
- 10 Ways to Support Students Facing Immigration Crises, Inside Higher Ed
- Creating Conditions for International Student Success, Berkeley
- How Do International Students Experience Learning at UW? Implications for Instructors, University of Washington
- Strategies for Teaching International Students, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Virginia
- Supporting Students from Immigrant Families, Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center
- Teaching International Students: Pedagogical Issues and Strategies, University of Michigan
- Teaching International Students: Strategies to Enhance Learning, University of Melbourne
- Teaching International Students, (includes a particular focus on Chinese students), University of Denver
Learning Ability Differences
- Accommodating College Students with Learning Disabilities: ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia, Melana Zyla Vickers, John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy
- Accommodating Diverse Learning Styles in an Online Environment, Lori Mestre, Information Literacy and Instruction
- Tips for Educators on Accommodating Different Learning Styles, University of Massachusetts
- Teaching Students with Different Levels of Preparation, Yale University
Mental Health
- Academic Accommodations for Students with Psychiatric Disabilities, DO-IT
- Teaching Students with Mental Health Disabilities, Accessible Campus
Non-Native Speakers of English
- Guidelines for Working with Non-Native Speakers, University of Minnesota
- Teaching Non-Native English Speakers: Tips for Making Your Teaching More Accessible, George Fox University
- Teaching Non-Native English Speaking Students, University of Connecticut
Race & Ethnicity
- Closing the Racial/Ethnic Gap Between Students of Color and Their Teachers: An Elusive Goal, Montclair State University
- Preparing Teachers for Multicultural Classrooms, Educational Technology Policy, Research and Outreach
Religion & Politics
- Politics in the Classroom: How Much is Too Much? nprEd: How Learning Happens
- Religion in the University Classroom, University of the Sunshine Coast
- Six Guidelines for Teaching About Religion, Education Week.
- Teaching Students with Diverse Religious Backgrounds, Yale University
Socio-Economic Class
- Effective Teaching and Support of Students from Low Socioeconomic Status Backgrounds: Practical Advice for Teaching Staff, Resources of Australian Higher Education
- Teaching Students From Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: A Brief Guide for University Teaching Staff, Deakin University Australia
STEM-Related Fields
- Culturally Responsive STEM Education, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University
- Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, AAWU
- Supporting STEM students with dyslexia, Institute of Physics
- Teaching for Diversity and Inclusiveness in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Vanderbilt University
Undocumented Students
- UndocuStudents: Our Untold Stories, by Blue Group of Western Washington University, WWU Cedar
- Keeping the Dream Alive: A Resource Guide for Undocumented Students, National Council of La Raza
- United We Dream: Immigrant youth building a movement for justice
- Local Resources:
Design - Designing Inclusive Courses
- Creating a Supportive Classroom Environment, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University. Importance of a proper learning climate, and strategies to create one.
- Designing Inclusive Environments, Teaching Gateway, University of New South Wales Sydney
- Five Ways to Promote a More Inclusive Classroom, Kathleen F. Gabriel, EdD, Faculty Focus, Magna
- Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom, Vanderbilt University. Terms and topics to help teach in a gender-inclusive way and create a safe space.
- Heuristic for Inclusive Instructional Design, Inclusive Teaching Toolkit, Teaching and Learning Cooperative, WWU.
- See also: Teach: Classroom Management
Curricular Choices
- Infusing Diversity into the College/University Curriculum, John Quincy Adams, Western Illinois University
- Considering Diversity: A Self-Reflection Tool for Psychology Teachers, American Psychological Association
Designing Content that Represents and Includes Diverse Perspectives
- Assessing Diversity Courses: Tips and Tools, Diversity Digest
- Diversity and Complexity in the Classroom: Considerations of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender, Barbara Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching
- Incorporating Diversity, Center for Teaching Excellence, Cornell University
- Practical Suggestions for Inclusive Classrooms, Elon University
Syllabus Statements
Standards for Discourse and Participation
- Establishing Ground Rules, Cornell University
Special Statements
- Accommodation Statement (Syllabus Guidelines), sample wording for writing a syllabus statement, Teaching Handbook, WWU.
- Suggested Practices for Syllabus Accessibility Statements, Praxis Wiki
- Suggested Syllabi Statements, University of Delaware
- Statements, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Central Florida
- Syllabi Statements, Cornell University
Religious and Cultural Holidays
- WWU Academic and Religious Observance Calendar, 2020-2021
- Statement on Academic Accommodations for Religious Holidays, Northwestern University
Universal Design for Instruction
- The Nine Principles of UDI, University of Wisconsin
- UDI: Definition, Principles, Guidelines, and Examples, DO-IT
- Knowledge Base, Collection of Case Studies, Promising Practices, and Q&As regarding accessibility, DO-IT
- Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education, University of Calgary
Teach - Curricular Materials & Activities
Classroom Management
- Guidelines for Discussion of Racial Conflict and the Language of Hate, Bias, and Discrimination, University of Michigan
- Inclusive Teaching: Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom;, Elon University
- Interrupting Microaggressions, College of the Holy Cross
- Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom, Harvard
- Managing Issues, Teaching Gateway, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Obstacles to Open Discussion and Critical Thinking: The Grinnell College Study, Change, Carol Trosset
- Tool: Interrupting Microaggressions, UC Santa Cruz
Bias and Stereotyping
- Generalizations: How Accurate Are They?, Peace Corps
- Spotting Detours or Wrong Turns: 28 Common Racist Attitudes and Behaviors, Community Anti-Racism Education Initiative
- Stereotyping Headbands, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology at Illinois State University
- Teaching Tolerance Hidden Bias Resources, Southern Poverty Law Center
Equity & Diversity
- Can You Avoid Segregation?, Understanding Prejudice: Exercises and Demonstrations
- Diversity Activities Resource Guide, University of Houston
- Diversity Takes More Than an Open Door (TEDx)
- Diversity Awareness Quizzes by
- Equity Literacy by
- Understanding Prejudice, supplement to Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination by McGraw Hill
- We Need to Talk About an Injustice (TED Talk), Bryan Stevenson
Exploring Cultural Difference
- "A Single Lucid Moment" Lesson, Peace Corps
- Barnga Learning Activity, University of Washington
- Beauty, Peace Corps
Gender & Sexuality
- Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, Understanding Prejudice: Exercises and Demonstrations
- Gender and Sexuality: Creating Gender-Free Nouns, Suzanne Sworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Introducing Identity: My Fullest Name, Suzanne Sworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Multiple Identity Exercise, adapted from Ximena Zúñiga, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, Luis Sfeir-Younis and Hellen Weingarten, University of Michigan
- Navigating Social Identity in the Classroom, University of Illinois Chicago
Power & Privilege
- Class and Historical Disadvantage: Crossing the Line, Suzanne Sworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Systems of Power and Privilege: "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack", Suzanne Sworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- The Power of Privilege (TEDx), Tiffany Jana
- Race and Advertising Interview, Social Psychology Network eInterview
- Race and Ethnicity: Diversity Profile, Suzanne Sworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Test Your Native IQ, Understanding Prejudice: Exercises and Demonstrations
- The Gardener: The 3 Levels of Racism (video), Camara Jones (See also: Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener's Tale, article by Camara Jones)
- White People, MTV Documentary (with footage from Whatcom Community College & Whatcom County)
Curricular examples from the Innovative Teaching Showcase
Infusing Multicultural Perspectives into the Curriculum, 2014-2015 Innovative Teaching Showcase Theme, introduction written by Dr. Karen B. McLean Dade, Woodring College of Education, WWU
- Incorporating Inclusivity in Music Education, Amber Sudduth Bone (Music)
- The Empathy Emphasis: Communicating Connectedness, Heather Davidson (Communication Studies)
- Exploring Differences through Writing and Literature, Lysa Rivera (English)
Teaching for Tolerance, 2010-2011 Innovative Teaching Showcase Theme, Introduction written by Dr. Jeff King, Director, Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Department of Psychology, WWU
- Conceptualizing Diversity in Applied Learning, Carolyn Nielsen (Journalism)
- Teaching Beyond Tolerance, Jill Heckathorn (Physical Education, Health & Recreation)
- Writing for Discovery and Change, Nicole R. Brown (English)
Both CIIA and CEED have books available for check-out at WWU; also catalogued in Western Libraries. See also Journal of Educational Controversy in Western Cedar.
Multicultural Education
- Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, Bode, Patty and Nieto, Sonia, Allyn & Bacon, 2007
- Becoming Multiculturally Responsible on Campus: From Awareness to Action, Parker, Max and Sager, Jennifer, Continuum, 2000
- Critical Multiculturalism: Rethinking Multicultural and Antiracist Education, May, Routledge, 1991
- Diversity's Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work, Smith, Daryl G., John Hopkins University, 2009
- Power, Meaning, and Identity: Essays in Critical Educational Studies (Counterpoints) (2nd ed.), Apple, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2002.
- Race, Identity, and Representation in Education (Critical Social Thought) (2nd ed.), McCarthy, Crichlow, Dimitriadis, & Dolby (eds.), Routledge, 2005.
- Rethinking Multicultural Education: Teaching for Racial and Cultural Justice, Au, Wayne, Rethinking Schools, 2014
Social Justice
- Can Education Change Society, Apple, Routledge, 2012.
- Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, Sensoy, Ozlem, Teachers College Press, 2011
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire, Paulo, Continuum, 2000
- Sentipensante (Sensing/Thinking) Pedagogy: Educating for Wholeness, Social Justice and Liberation, Rendon, Stylus Publishing, 2014.
- Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice, Adams, Maurianne, et al., Routledge, 2007
- Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, Hooks, Routledge, 1994.
- 147 Practical Tips For Teaching Diversity, Timpson, William, et al., Atwood, 2005
- Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives, Banks, Jossey-Bass, 2007
- Getting Culture, Gurung, Regan A. R. and Preito, Loreto R., Stylus, 2009
- How to Talk About Hot Topics on Campus: From Polarization to Moral Conversation, Nash, Robert, et al., Jossey-Bass, 2008
- Race to Equity: Disrupting Educational Inequality, McCaskell, Between the Lines, 2005.
- Tools for Teaching, Davis, Barbara Gross, Jossey-Bass, 2009
Texts & Readers
- Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education (6th ed.), Nieto & Bode (eds.), Pearson, 2011.
- Diversity and Multiculturalism: A Reader, Steinberg (ed.), Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2009.
- Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, 2013
- Talking About Identity: Encounters in Race, Ethnicity, and Language (2nd Ed.), James & Shadd, Between the Lines (Canadian Publisher), 2001.
- What Does It Mean To Be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy, DiAngelo, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2012.
Cultural Issues in Education
- Milem, J.F., Chang, M.J., & Antonio, A.L. 2005. "Making Diversity Work on Campus: A Research-Based Perspective," Making Excellence Inclusive, AACU.
- Tuck, Eve, and k. Wayne Yang, 2012. "Decolonization is Not a Metaphor," Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 1(1), 1-40.
Equity Literacy
- Gorski, P.C. 2014. "Equity Literacy: An Introduction," EdChange (Apr 29).
- Gorski, P.C. 2016. "Equity Literacy: More Than Celebrating Diversity," Diversity in Education, (Spring), 12-14.
- Gorski, P.C. & Swalwell, K. 2015. "Equity Literacy for All," Educational Leadership, (March), 34-40.
Racism, Power & Privilege
- Kivel, P. 2004. "The Culture of Power," Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, (5)1, September.
Teaching Diversity
- Chaisson, R.L. 2004. "A Crack in the Door: Critical Race Theory in Practice at a Predominantly White Institution," Teaching Sociology, (32), October: 345-357.
- Hedley, M. & Markowitz, L. 2001. "Avoiding Moral Dichotomies: Teaching Controversial Topics to Resistant Students," Teaching Sociology, (29)2, April, 195-208.
- Moore, H.A. 2007. "Student Resistance in Sociology Classrooms: Tools for Learning and Teaching," Sociology Department, Faculty Publications (88).
Inclusive Teaching Overview
Videos providing an overview of inclusive teaching and teacher experiences.
- Equity and Inclusion at Western
- Perspectives on Inclusive Teaching, WWU Center for Instructional Innovation
- Inclusion and Differentiated Instruction: Teachers in the Movies do it Too, examples of movie teachers practicing inclusion and differentiated instruction
- Inclusive Teaching, Susanne Seinader, OCAD University
- Fostering safe and inclusive learning environments, Dana Kroh, University of Groningen
- What Does Inclusive Teaching Mean to You?, Columbia University
- What Is Your Experience with Inclusive Teaching?, Columbia University
- Supporting Undocumented Students, Roberto Gonzalez, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Teaching International Students, Nithyanantha Sevanthinathan, Lone Star College
- Cultures of learning - vital feature of international education, discusses different learning cultures and different approaches to teaching and learning, British Council
Designing Inclusive Courses
- Designing an Inclusive Course, University of Michigan Inclusive Teaching, focus on course materials and syllabus
- How to Promote Inclusion in the Classroom, Drexel University School of Education
- Inclusive Classroom Design, Virginia Tech
- Creating inclusive assessments, Mike Wald, University of Southampton
- Inclusive Education Video Series, Alberta Education, includes Video Discussion Guides for each video in the series
- Five Steps to an Inclusive Classroom, Deborah Dykstra
- University of Michigan Inclusive Teaching, YouTube Channel with videos pertaining to many topics in inclusive teaching
Student Perspectives
Student voices sharing details about how educators can support students using inclusive teaching practices.
- Inclusive Teaching In Higher Education: Students' Stories video series, UOW
- Abdul's Story, Muslim student, UOW
- Chloe's Story, traumatic brain injury, UOW
- Kylie's Story, student with children, UOW
- Pamela's Story, student who works and commutes, UOW
- Student Story, legally blind student, UOW
- Jennine Capó Crucet's story, first-generation college student
- Teaching International Students, stories from many international students about their challenges studying in the United States
- Undocumented Students in the United States, short film with stories from many undocumented college students
TED Talks
TED Talks about various topics in inclusive teaching.
- Practical Diversity: Taking Inclusion from Theory to Practice, Dawn Bennett-Alexander, TEDxUGA
- Multiculturalism in the Modern World, Jen Holladay, TEDxDenverTeachers
- Reimagining Classrooms: Teachers as Learners and Students as Leaders, Kayla Delzer, TEDxFargo
- Learning Disability in Higher Education, Lexie Garrity, TEDxVanderbiltUniversity
- Reimagining Disability & Inclusive Education, Jan Wilson, TEDxUniversityofTulsa
- The boost students need to overcome obstacles, Anindya Kundu
- How students of color confront impostor syndrome, Dena Simmons
WWU Resources
Accessibility and Inclusion Resources
- Accessible Instruction
- Bias Incident Reporting Form
- Campus Equity & Inclusion Forum
- DACA Statement - President Randhawa's Statement Regarding the Decision to End DACA
- Diversity at Western
- Diversity Handbook
- Equity & Diversity Committee - Woodring College of Education
- LGBT Advocacy Council
- Minority Employees Council
- President's Taskforce on Equity, Inclusion and Diversity
- Social Justice and Equity Committee - Faculty Senate
- STEM Inclusion & Outreach
- Access, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Enrollment and Student Services
Associated Students
Centers and Offices
- Center for Education, Equity, and Diversity (CEED)
- Center for International Studies
- Center for Law, Diversity, and Justice
- Center for Service Learning
- Counseling and Wellness Center
- The Red Folder Project, WWU — Recognize, Respond, and Refer students experiencing a mental health crisis
- Disability Access Center
- Education Abroad
- Ershig Assistive Technology Resource Center
- Equal Opportunity Office (EOO)
- Ethnic Student Center
- Institute for Global Engagement
- International Student and Scholar Services
- Student Outreach Services
- Western Libraries Inclusive Language Guide
- Western Libraries Guide for LGBTQ Resources
- Western Libraries Diversity Committee