Inquiry Based Learning Toolkit


As stated by Dr. Kathy Kitto in the 2015-16 Inquiry-Based Learning-themed Innovative Teaching Showcase, "Based upon our current understanding of how individuals learn, students must construct their own understanding and knowledge base by actively doing: creating a hypothesis, performing experiments, creating something, making observations, reflecting on these experiences, making sense of the new, and reconciling past misperceptions. The role of the facilitator in Inquiry-Based Learning is also active in that the instructor guides the process by provoking higher-order thinking, delivering new information, and facilitating collaborative learning. As you may guess, it is very easy to write about Inquiry-Based Learning, but it is much more difficult to do it well and to assess its effectiveness."

Socratic Method

5-E Model (and Other Models)

Moore Method

Project-based Learning

Assessment Tips and Tools


Discipline-Specific Resources



Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education

Art & Music

Resources & Books

See also the curricular examples from the Innovative Teaching Showcase:

Relevant Books