Critical Thinking Toolkit
Overview of Critical Thinking
Defining Critical Thinking
- Critical Thinking Skills Cheat Sheet Infographic, Global Digital Citizen Foundation
- Defining Critical Thinking and Our Concept and Definition of Critical Thinking, The Critical Thinking Community
- What It Means to Think Critically, by Terry Heick, TeachThought
Models of Critical Thinking Development
- Analyzing the Thinking Process: An Interview with Diane Halpern
- Critical Thinking Development: A Stage Theory, CriticalThinking.Org
- Developing as Rational Persons, Stages of Development, Critical Thinking Community
- Overview of Perry Scheme, The Perry Network
Teaching Critical Thinking Skills
- Beyond Critical Thinking, by M. Roth in Chronicle of Higher Education
- Critical Thinking, Nel Noddings, Stanford
- Critical Thinking, Moral Integrity and Citizenship, The Critical Thinking Community. Article discusses the need for critical thinking, the intellectual virtues, and thoughts on how to teach them
- Critical Thinking Won't Develop Through Osmosis, Bryan Goodwin, Educational Leadership
- Critical Thinking: Why is it so hard to teach? by D.T. Willingham in American Educator
- Fact or Opinion, The K. Patricia Cross Academy
- Importance of Teaching Critical Thinking, Lee Watanabe-Crockett, Global Digital Citizen Foundation
- Teaching Critical Thinking, videos presented by Dr. Stephen D. Brookfield
- 3-2-1, a video provided by The K. Patricia Cross Academy
Thinking & Research on Critical Thinking
- Instructional Interventions Affecting Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions: A stage-1 meta-analysis, by Abrami, Bernard, Borokhovski, Wade, Surkes, Tamim, & Zhang in Review of Educational Research
- Research in Critical Thinking, The Critical Thinking Community
- Study of 38 Public Universities and 28 Private Universities to Determine Faculty Emphasis on Critical Thinking in Instruction, The Critical Thinking Community
- Strategies for Teaching Students to Think Critically, American Educational Research Association
- The State of Critical Thinking Today, The Critical Thinking Community
- Universal Intellectual Standards, The Critical Thinking Community
Curricular Ideas
Approaches and Strategies
- 8 Ways to Develop Critical Thinking Skills with EdTech, Global Digital Citizen Foundation
- 36 Thinking Strategies to Help Students Wrestle With Complexity, by Terry Heick, TeachThought
- Contemporary Issues Journal, a video provided by The K. Patricia Cross Academy
- Teaching Critical Thinking: Some practical points, by Linda Nilson in Faculty Focus
- Teaching Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking, Janelle Cox, TeachHub
- Variations, The K. Patricia Cross Academy
- 5 Ways to Help Students Ask Better Questions, by Terry Heick, TeachThought
- Paper Seminar, a video provided by The K. Patricia Cross Academy
- The Role of Questions in Teaching, Thinking, and Learning, The Critical Thinking Community
- Three Categories of Questions: Crucial Distinctions, The Critical Thinking Community
- Two Professors, One Valuable Lesson: How to respectfully disagree, by Seesholtz & Polk in Chronicle of Higher Education
- Why Questions Are More Important Than Answers, TeachThought
Evaluating Sources
- Evaluating Sources: Know What's Credible on the Web, Winston Sieck
- Evaluating Sources - Critical Sources, YouTube video from Empire State College Online Library
- Evaluating Sources for Credibility, YouTube video from North Carolina State University Libraries
- Evaluating Information Sources, University of Louisville Libraries
Deep Reading
- The Art of Close Reading (Three Part Series), The Critical Thinking Community
- Close Reading, Odegaard Writing & Research Center, University of Washington
- Reading Assignment Strategies that Encourage Deep Learning, Faculty Focus
- Reading Difficult Texts, John C. Bean, Engaging Ideas
- Strategies to Promote a Deep Approach to Reading, Rick Reis, Tomorrow's Professor, Stanford Center for Teaching and Learning
Resources for Students
- Becoming a Critic of Your Thinking, Critical Thinking Community
- Critical Thinking in Everyday Life: 9 Strategies, The Critical Thinking Community
- How to Study and Learn (Four Part Series), The Critical Thinking Community
- Introduction to Critical Thinking (Video), by Geoff Pynn, Northern Illinois University
Socratic Method
- Examples of Socratic Seminar-Style Questions, from
- Socratic Seminars: Guidelines, Grant Wiggins, Authentic Education
- Socratic Teaching, The Critical Thinking Community
- The Role of Socratic Questioning in Thinking, Teaching and Learning, The Critical Thinking Community
- The Socratic Method: Fostering Critical Thinking, Colorado State University
Disciplinary Ideas
General Assignments
- A Sample Assignment Format, The Critical Thinking Community
- Critical Thinking - Faculty Resources, Florida State University Libraries, discipline-specific articles and resources
Arts & Humanities
- Critical Thinking About the Humanities, Michael Delahoyde and Collin Hughes, Washington State University
- Critical Thinking and the Liberal Arts, Jeffrey Scheuer, American Association of University Professors
- Diversity: Making Sense of It Through Critical Thinking, The Critical Thinking Community
- Enhancing Critical Thinking in Foreign Language Learners, Servat Shirkhani and Mansour Fahim, International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology
- Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills for Humanities Students: An Art History Model, Michael Reese, Johns Hopkins University
- Ethics Without Indoctrination, by Richard Paul in Educational Leadership
- Sample Course: American History (1600-1800), The Critical Thinking Community
- 18 Examples of Using Critical Thinking In Business, Insight Assessment
- The Business Case for Critical Thinking, University of South Florida
- Critical Thinking in Business Education, Brian Critchley, London Metropolitan Business School
- Critical Thinking Faculty Resources - Teaching Critical Thinking in Business, Florida State University Libraries
- Critical Thinking Means Business, Pearson
- Using Technology to Teach Critical Thinking in Higher Education – A Look at an Undergraduate Business Course, Mak Khojasteh and Janice Witt Smith, Winston-Salem University
- 12 Strong Strategies for Effectively Teaching Critical Thinking Skills, Lee Watanabe Crockett, Global Digital Citizen
- Training Teachers to Teach Critical Thinking, Edutopia
Social Sciences
- Syllabus: Psychology 1, The Critical Thinking Community
- Critical Reading in the Social Sciences, Manuel Vallee, Berkeley
- Critical Thinking in the Social Sciences, Tom Byrnes, Valencia College
- Critical Thinking in Social Sciences: 6 Tips, Prezi presentation by Jermaine Walker
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
- Applied Disciplines: A Critical Thinking Model for Engineering, The Critical Thinking Community
- Critical thinking in Earth Science: Using the Model-Evidence Link Diagram, Temple University
- Critical Thinking Faculty Resources - Teaching Critical Thinking in STEM, Florida State University Libraries
- Assessing Critical Thinking in STEM and Beyond, Barry Stein et al, Tennessee Technological University
Objectives & Assessment
Active Verbs for Writing Outcomes
- Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain,
- Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, CELT
- List of Measurable Verbs Used to Assess Learning Outcomes, SUNY Clinton
- Writing Course Learning Objectives (CIIA Teaching Handbook)
Assessing Critical Thinking Outcomes
- A Brief Guide for Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking in Psychology, D. Alan Bensley, Association for Psychological Science
- Critical Thinking Class: Grading Policies, by Richared Paul, The Critical Thinking Community
- Promoting and Assessing Critical Thinking, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo
- Structures for Student Self-Assessment, The Critical Thinking Community
Creating Rubrics
- Grade Profiles, The Critical Thinking Community
Sample Rubrics: Holistic
- Critical & Integrative Thinking Rubric, Washington State University
- Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric, AACU
- General Education Critical Thinking Rubric, Northeastern Illinois University
- Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric, Facione & Facione
- QEP Critical Thinking Rubric, St. Philip's College
Sample Rubrics: Paper Assignments
- Critical Thinking Rubric for a Paper, NEIU
- Critical Thinking Rubric for General Ed Paper,University of Rhode Island - general ed critical thinking paper
- First Draft of Critical Thinking Paper, University of Rhode Island - high-level, highly-detailed rubric for a critical thinking paper
Sample Rubrics: Projects
- Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC) Scenarios, St. Petersburg College
- Sample Items from the California Critical Thinking Skills Test® (CCTST®)
- Quantitative Reasoning Scoring Rubric, University of Rhode Island
Critical Thinking Guides
- Critical Thinking by Richard Epstein (424 pages)
- Critical Thinking: A Beginner's Guide by Sharon M. Kaye (174 pages)
- Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts & Tools by Richard Paul & Linda Elder (print*)
- Pocket Guide to Critical Thinking by Richard Epstein (133 pages) (abridged version of author's longer book)
Cultural & Social Implications of Critical Thinking
- Intellectual Empathy: Critical Thinking for Social Justice by Maureen Linker (220 pages)
- Practical Media Literacy: An Essential Guide to the Critical Thinking Skills for Our Digital World by Nick Pernisco
- Weaponized Lies: How to Think Critically in the Post-Truth Era by Daniel Levitin (320 pages)
Developing Critical Thinking Skills
- Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking by M. Neil Browne (176 pages, print*)
- Critical Thinking: A Beginner's Guide to Critical Thinking, Better Decision Making, and Problem Solving by Jennifer Wilson (110 pages)
- Critical Thinking: A Powerful Critical Thinking Guide: 20 Effective Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking and Decision Making Skills by Mark Williams (a mini-book, just 54 pages)
- Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument by Stella Cottrell (282 pages)
- The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking by Edward B. Burger & Michael Starbird (157 pages)
- Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills by Michael Kallet (238 pages, eBook*)
Teaching Critical Thinking
- Critical Thinking: How to Prepare Students for a Rapidly Changing World by Richard Paul, Jane Willsen, and A.J.A. Binker (print*)
- Critical Thinking Development: A Stage Theory by Richard Paul (print*)
- Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom (2nd ed.) by John C. Bean (eBook*, print*)
- Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners by Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison (eBook*)
- Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom by bell hooks (eBook*)
- Teaching for Critical Thinking: Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions by Stephen D. Brookfield (eBook*, print*)
Discipline Specific Books
- Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals: A Skills-Based Workbook by Eileen Gambrill & Leonard Gibbs
- Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies (3rd ed.) by M. Gaie Rubenfeld & Barbara Scheffer
- How to Think Like a Psychologist: Critical Thinking in Psychology by Donald H. McBurney
- Science Stories: Using Case Studies to Teach Critical Thinking by Clyde Freeman Herreid, Nancy A. Schiller, and Ky F. Herreid
- Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology: A Handbook of Best Practices by Dana Dunn, Jane S. Halonen, & Randolph A. Smith (eBook*)
Textbooks about Critical Thinking
- Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of your Professional and Personal Life (2nd ed.) by Richard Paul
- Critical Thinking, Science and Pseudoscience: Why We Can't Trust Our Brains by Caleb Lack, PhD., and Jacques Rousseau, M.A. (284 pages)
- Becoming a Critical Thinker: A User-Friendly Manual (6th ed.) by Sherry Diestler (Pearson, 512 pages)
- Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking (9th ed.) by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero (McGraw-Hill, 190 pages) (print*)
- Critical Thinking (11th ed.) by Brooke Moore & Richard Parker (McGraw-Hill, 512 pages)
- Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide (4th ed.) by Tracy Bowell & Gary Kemp (Routledge, 328 pages)
- Critical Thinking: A User's Manual (2nd ed.) by Debra Jackson & Paul Newberry (Wadsworth Publishing, 368 pages)
- Critical Thinking: Learn the Tools the Best Thinkers Use by Richard Paul & Linda Elder (Pearson, 368 pages)
- Critical Thinking: The Art of Argument (2nd ed.) by George Rainbolt and Sandra Dwyer (Wadsworth, 496 pages)
- From Critical Thinking to Argument: A Portable Guide (4th ed.) by Sylvan Barnet & Hugo Bedau (Bedord/St. Martin's, 416 pages)
- Thinking Critically (11th ed.) by John Chaffee (Wadsworth, 608 pages)
Books for K-12 Teachers
- Moving from What to What If?: Teaching Critical Thinking with Authentic Inquiry and Assessments by John Barrell (eBook*)
- Socratic Circles: Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking in Middle and High School by Matt Copeland (print*)
- Teaching Controversial Issues: The Case for Critical Thinking and Moral Commitment in the Classroom by Nel Noddings and Laurie Brooks (print*)
* = available at CIIA or WWU Libraries